I just want to say thank you to everyone for your patience regarding the site and how it's coming along. Something's are a little slower process than I had realized it would have been. I guess that is what happens when you step away from someone for the good amount of time that I did. It's such a nice feel to see that some has already started to email and ask regarding memberships. Very much appreciated that you want to help support the site and make it grow.
I'll try to have an update soon in regard to memberships. I'm in the middle of moving some files around that were set up well over 20 years ago and move them to new locations to help limit the amount of resources that were being used out of the actual chat server. Most of those files were those that were used for editing the chat rooms that members were used to doing. Don't worry however, those files are not changing, I just have to move them, and edit each file and tweak a few minor things in order to make them work correctly, but that is a small process.