Starlight Chat


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  • SLCN does not condone drama posts on the forums. They will be removed!


SLCN does not condone drama posts on the forums. They will be removed!

chat reboot

David · 2064


  • The Boss Man
  • Site Owner
  • Jr. Member
  • *****
    • Posts: 78
    • Gender: Male
  • SLC Onwer
on: March 20, 2022, 05:20:37 PM
If by any chance the chat rooms go down, please allow 1 full minute to pass and check to see if they are back up and running before emailing me regarding. I have a script in  place that should reboot it if at any point it goes out. The rooms will be wiped however, so please keep that in mind, that is something I can not correct as once the chat is closed it cleans everything upon reboot.


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