Starlight Chat


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SLCN does not condone drama posts on the forums. They will be removed!

contact page and other info

David · 2291


  • The Boss Man
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  • SLC Onwer
on: March 16, 2022, 09:58:01 PM
I have updated the contact page for Starlight Chat. It should be working now. It's not hosted on the main server anymore as well, in case the site might have an issue altogether that prevents it from being accessed. Which is another reason I have been using another email as well, which most know was a backup email in case of the server being down at any time.  The contact page will forward an email to both, just so I know I'll have it.

The next thing on the list is the Membership Form for those who wish to support the chat site.

Along with this, I'll be looking to update the members only area a little. Current Room Owners who are used to the setup won't notice too much difference other than me possibly moving some files around and links in order to access your room options. So if you happen to have a bookmark to that area you might need to update it soon. I'll keep everyone posted regarding changes.


  • The Boss Man
  • Site Owner
  • Jr. Member
  • *****
    • Posts: 78
    • Gender: Male
  • SLC Onwer
Reply #1 on: March 21, 2022, 09:15:47 PM
Just a quick update, The membership form is currently up now…but please hold off on using, I'm still working on a few other things before actually taking memberships again.

I'm trying not to rush things in order to not mess up anything. One project at a time, so please remain patient. Remember it's been over a year since the site was up, somethings must be changed in order to work. Something's that worked before don't so much now and just need some tweaks.

I'll update things soon in regard to when memberships can be purchased


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